Thursday 9 February 2012

Greetings Earthlings!

Workmen are busy on the building across from ours. Just in time for the bad weather.

Hope they know what they're doing with that gas canister!

If you look closely you'll see icicles hanging from the rails - rather chilly indeed! Hope this is the worst of it. Thankfully though I'm not in work tomorrow and shall be in the comfort of my nice little home.

Until next time, Ciao Earthlings! :^)

Monday 30 January 2012

Monday, Monday...

Happy Monday, Earthlings

Apparently today is meant to be the happiest day of the year, or happiest Monday, or happiest something or other. Apparently titled such because for the majority of us here in England today is the first pay day after Commercialmas and the day most people book their summer holiday... if you're lucky.

But I don't need to book any holidays, for I have my wondrous work window. I don't think I need say any more, view the stunning image below:

Ciao, Wonder Window Fans 8-)

Thursday 26 January 2012

Waterloo Sunset's Fine...


Lovely (reflection of a) sunset I think you'll agree. Would have been nice to see the sun & actual sunset mind you... but alas that's a luxury I do not have...

I've just realised that I have failed to share with you exactly where in the world this window is. It is a window of a building in Lostock, Bolton, Greater Manchester, England. Feel better for knowing that now? Yep, thought so.

Pie pie all you pie lovers :-)

Friday 20 January 2012

Rain, rain, rain


The workmen are no where to be seen today... must be the rain.

What is the scaffholding for? I'm sure we'll find out next week...

Thursday 19 January 2012

New Day, New Happenings

First post

I thought it was high time that I shared with the world the happenings outside of my humble work window.

I can only apologise for not sharing this with you all sooner, since there have been many interesting things happen outside of this shiny portal to the sky and beyond.

Today I begin with the activity on the building that is directly across from ours. From the looks of things some scaffholding is being put up, the reasons why are yet to be discovered, but I think I heard someone mention that a hand rail is being put up. These are exciting times, and possibly the most activity seen to date.

As well as this you can see it's a nice sunny day with the odd bit of rain, quite pleasant for a January morning.

I will of course keep you updated on the progress of this activity. Until then, stay well earthlings ;-)